Monday, December 27, 2010

Sales and the Importance of Following Up

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

Sales are the life force of any business. Here’s an outline of the key factors in getting them for your business.


Business owners and decision makers are typically very busy people. Often, the difference between making a sale and not making a sale is catching the decision maker at the right time. One of the best ways to catch a decision maker at the right time is to catch him or her many times. Of course, you do not want to be contacting a prospect so often that you become an annoyance. Still, using a combination of phone calls, emails, faxes and snail mails you can ensure your prospect remembers your company when the time comes to purchase the product or service you sell.


One of the most important aspects of following up is being organized. There is a great variety of software to help you get your lead management in order, but all lead management software is not created equal. One feature to look for in lead management software is portability. Web based systems allow users to access their leads from any Internet connected computer. Another feature to look for is built in document management. Ideally, your lead management software will allow you to easily send emails, faxes and snail mails and document the contact automatically. A good scheduling tool is also a great asset to lead management software.

Follow Up and Consistency

Once you have contacted your lead, make sure to let them know when you will follow up again and follow through. Setting a time and day to follow up and then following through will build trust with your prospect. Just doing what you say you'll do is a huge source of confidence to prospective clients. After following up several times at the same time and day of the week, your prospect will come to expect your contact. Use this to build rapport. Become involved in your prospect's life and you are much more likely to make a sale. Use your lead management software to make notes about your conversations. Other wise, it is very difficult to remember the details of every conversation you may have. By following up and staying in front of your prospects, you will make more sales. The more familiar your prospects are with your company and products or services, the more likely they are to choose your company. Using the right lead management software can make the task of following up a breeze.

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Business Cards Are Excellent Salesman

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

Since the 19th century business cards were widespread among people of all classes with a business to promote. The earliest form of business cards, known as tradecards, were used as advertising materials and as maps used to direct the public to the merchant’s store. Today business cards are among the most important marketing material that every business must have.

The business card is perhaps the best salesman that you can have. That is why it is essential that it contains much more than your name, address, and contact numbers and services. It should be designed keeping its purpose in mind – that is its being a powerful sales tool. So let’s start with the design. If you want to create a business card that contains a photo with gradient colors you can try using a glossy paper to ensure that the cards are printed as good as they look on the screen. Or else, you can get disappointed with the print out.
In addition, if your card design contains background color or images, you can use papers that have gaps between them as these gaps will allow you to make up for the unavoidable elusiveness of the printer paper feed system. However, most stock cards don’t have gaps so if you don’t want to have trouble with printing, make sure your photos, images and text are at 3mm off the edge of the card. This way the minor printer imprecision will not destroy your business cards.

When it comes to printing, make sure that the paper stock that you will use is compatible to your printer. As inkjet and laser printer uses different technologies, it is important that you only feed paper type that is attuned to your printer choice. So for instance you will be using a laser printer, using a paper with glossy coating can cause damage to the printer. Hence, the right choice of paper stock will greatly affect your business cards print out.

Now let’s come to the strategies you can utilize in business card distribution. Aside from the usual handing out of your business cards during tradeshows, conventions, meetings and the like, tucking them in your products before delivery can be a good idea. Say you are a florist. You can consider tying your business card around the flowers. Or if use bags in packaging your products, you can staple or tie your card on the outside of the bag. You can also include you cards in your letters and invoices. And if you are really crafty you can slip in your cards into your designs – you can include them in your greeting cards, emboss them with your rubber stamps or blend them with your other artworks.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to designing and handing out your business cards. You just have to know how to utilize these possibilities to your advantage. Remember that your business cards can be your best salesman, so make them represent you effectively.

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tips for Successful Negotiating by Phone

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

Most of us negotiate something every day. Whether it's getting our kids to willingly clean their rooms, or hammering out an elephant-sized contract with more details than a politician has “special-interest” donors, our ability to haggle effects our results. Here are some useful negotiating tips.

1. Define Your Negotiables Other than Price. Inexperienced, unconfident, or plain old lazy reps take the easy route and drop price at the first sign of the other person seeking to get a better deal. Instead, first determine what you could offer, if needed, that has high perceived value to them, but little cost to you. For example, moving up the delivery date if they need it quickly, extending the warranty period . . . some distributors and suppliers like to throw in some products the customer isn't buying. This has high perceived value, and gets the customer to test the new product, which might pay off with future purchases.

2. Analyze Your Strengths, Their Needs. Before calling, list what you know they require and emotionally want, what you have, and what you want. You might know that this buyer always tries to pound you on price, but you also know you're working from a position of strength because you're the only one who has the quality of product he needs.
3. Set Your Objectives. Just like every call, define, “What do I want them to do as a result of this call, and what do I want to do?”

4. Aim High, Set Minimums. As part of your objectives, swing for the fence! Think big. Set the most favorable objective possible (one that is within reason). The richest sales reps I know can't believe anyone would think otherwise. Likewise, set minimums that you're willing to accept. You'll know how much you have to play with.

5. Prepare for their Possible Tactics. It's easier if you know the person. For example, knowing that Joe always starts with an outrageous request helps you prepare your counter-tactic. Otherwise, you need to dry-run through possible demands and tactics along with your responses so you're not blindsided into giving away something you didn't intend to.

6. Gather Information. As with all sales calls, the more you know the better.

7. Don't Give More Information (or Anything Else) than Necessary. I've seen sales reps offer price concessions that weren't asked for (“The price starts here, but I might be able to do a little better.”), and give up information that the customer used to ask for more concessions (“You mentioned another customer had additional training manuals thrown in free. I want those too.”)

8. Don't Split the Difference. It's human nature, but it costs you money. Let's look at the math. Your asking price is $50. They offer you $30. You counter with $40 and they figure splitting the difference is fair. Your tactic: come back with a pained tone of voice, “I might be able to do $46 or $47.” It's more likely you'll end up better than $40.

9. Trade Your Concessions. Get something in return. If you get them the better volume price, ask for a commitment for a blanket purchase order. One-sided giving rarely makes for a healthy relationship.

10. “If I, Will You?” A tactic to accomplish the previous point. Before agreeing to what they want, get commitment on what they'll give in return. “If I'm able to move your request to the front of the line, will you increase the order by 500?”

I believe I read this in an ad in an airline magazine for a negotiation seminar: “You don't get what you deserve; you get what you can negotiate.”

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Be Persuasive When You Sell

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]
When you are selling your products to clients, you don’t want to be pushy about it, you want to be persuasive.
Have you ever been around a sales person who seems to have everything going for him?
He has no problem talking to people, people like him, he seems to meet all of his sales goals so effortlessly.
This is not because he is lucky, or he was born with a natural gift when it came to selling. It is because he took the time and effort to make sure he went into the field well trained with the appropriate sales skills and product knowledge to make his sales seem as though they come without any effort.
This sales person, through hard work and sales training, has given himself the power of persuasion because he has the ability to find out what it is that his customers need.
When a sales person is being pushy with their product, it is a turn off to the customer. The last thing a customer wants, is somebody they just met up in their face who won’t stop talking. Pushy sales people come off rude, unprofessional and unknowledgeable.
From a customers point of view, a pushy sales person comes off as someone who just arrived from a one day sales training course on one particular product. Who is then sent out into the world to sell that product to anyone that will listen.
Most consumers can see right through this.
Persuasion takes subtlety. In fact, it is much easier to persuade someone to buy your product than to actually sell it.
Persuasion involves getting your customer to “buy in” to your product, or to see things from your point of view.
You must first get to know your customer. Take some time to ask a few personal questions. Such as where they live, what their occupation is, do they have any pets, etc.
People love to talk about themselves, so ask questions.
Once you get to know your customer, find out what their needs are. You can than match up your products to their needs.
Explain the benefits of your product, and give them a visual in their mind of themselves using your product. If you are selling baseball bats, give them the visual of using the bat to hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth too win the ball game.
Don’t do all the talking, listen to your customer. Listening is perhaps one of the most important sales skills you can posses. You can find out so much about your customer just by listening.
To persuade your customer to buy your product is to find a common ground with your customer. Smile, be courteous, answer their questions, learn what their needs are, listen to their concerns and try to alleviate them.
Once you have established what their needs are, tell them about the products you have that could satisfy their needs. Remember, don’t sell the product, tell them about the product, and what it can do for them.
Don’t think of it as selling, think of it as a normal conversation that you would have with one of your friends. Your sales will become more enjoyable, and they will also increase. Good luck.
This article may be reproduced by anyone at any time, as long as the authors name and reference links are kept in tact and active.
Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of experience in the banking and Mortgage Industry, He is the owner of, a mortgage resource site, he is also the owner of, a mortgage lead company.

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Favorable Juncture Of Circumstances

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

Whenever decision-makers are willing to meet with you, you have reached a favorable juncture of circumstances. If you are then prepared to take advantage of this opportunity by building a level of trust with these individuals, there is a good chance that they will tell you enough about themselves so that you can easily recommend the appropriate package of your products and/or services that will meet their express needs.

Many top sales representatives feel that the sale is as good as closed if they can just obtain an appointment or meeting with a decision-maker. Their feeling is that their prospective customer must need their products or services or they would  not be willing to set an appointment in the first place. The following checklist has been developed to help you make the most of a favorable juncture of circumstances and build the trust levels that are vital to your overall sales success:

Smile! No matter what kind of day you are having, if you will smile it will give those people you contact a feeling of acceptance. It will also help you feel better about your day. Tape a smiley-face or the word “smile” on your desk or telephone to remind you of the importance of a smile on your face and in your voice. Top sales professionals use the technique of thinking of a funny story or the latest joke they have heard just before meeting a prospective customer. Thinking about the story or joke almost assures them of having a smile on their face as they meet a decision-maker for the first time. Make sure you are smiling as you call for appointments or are conducting a sales presentation.

Shake your client’s or prospect's hand. A warm, firm, friendly handshake goes a long way in building a trusting relationship. It tells your clients or prospects that you are a friendly person and that you are glad to see them. If your handshake is limp it can leave a negative impression. It can be equally as bad to grip someone's hand too hard. Remember you only have one chance to make a great first impression.
Ask an open-ended personal question. (Open-ended questions require an explanation and can rarely be answered with a “yes” or “no”). Psychologists tell us that when a person reveals something personal about themselves, it builds trust.

It’s vital for you to practice using open-ended questions to create a short period of small talk (the prospect doing 80% of the talking), at the outset of your presentation. Remember, people buy from people that they trust. When people start to talk about themselves, they start to build a trusting relationship with you so that later, as you discuss  your products and/or services, the things you say will be believed.
Research shows that people decide whether to follow the advice and buy from a sales professional in the first two minutes of the conversation. By following the track outlined above, you can make the most of your initial contact and truly turn each meeting of transaction into a favorable juncture of circumstances (a sales opportunity).

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

Friday, December 17, 2010

3 Easy Ways To Crank Up The Sales Volume

By Sales Tracking Portal [ Free Online Sales Tracking Software]

1.  Supersize It!
Okay, okay... the real marketing term here us upsell it, but the word association takes me to McDonalds.  You've been there... you pull up to the window, place your order and they always say...  "Would you like to supersize that?"
What bugs me is that I instinctively say, "Yes!"  After all, for a few cents more I'm getting nearly twice the amount of fries and beverage.  We won't discuss the fact that a person with normal size kidneys couldn't possible drink the supersized drink before it goes flat... and that if I were to eat all of the supersized fries I'd be perfect advertisment for an acne medicine company... but hey, I got a good deal!
When your customers have their wallet out and are reaching for their money, they are ripe for shelling out just a few more bucks to sweeten the deal.  In fact, about 50 percent will say yes without a second thought.  It's the perfect time to offer an upgrade or an extra warranty.

2.  After The Sale Offers.
Have you noticed that novel sequels seem to go like hotcakes?  Once the author has caught the audiences attention with the first book, they can't wait to get their hands on the follow up.
The same idea carries over with your customers.  A customer who is happy with the product and service you provided the first time, is much more open for a second experience.
The backend product you offer doesn't even have to be your own.  Affiliate marketers are rolling in proceeds on ebooks that cover material associated with their products.  It's an easy and painless process to market this way... the affiliate handles all the sales, while you collect the commission.

3.  Reward Referrals
Customer surveys that ask 3 basic questions:  What did you like best about the product?, How can we improve the value of the product?, and Who do you know that would benefit from the product?
In a nutshell, you are letting the customer know that his needs and opinions are important to you, and that you want to help someone else fulfill their needs too.  You'll gain valuable insight into customer satsifaction, provide material for valuable testimonials, and get tips on potential customers.
Upselling, backend selling and referral selling work together to increase the number of sales you net, without increasing advertizing budgets.  Try it... you'll be surprised at how easy it is to increase your marketing effectiveness within your current customer audience.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sales Tracking Portal Forum is Live

Sales Tracking Portal Forum is live now. You can now share your idea with our community or request any help from Sales Tracking Portal support team easily on community.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Choose a software client relationship management (CRM)

In the Internet era, it is important to understand the expectations and needs of your customers. Especially if you bet on the web to grow your business. A dissatisfied customer can switch to the competition with a click. To limit this risk management software customer relationship management (CRM English) help you better define your business strategy. And words, to increase your profits. So how to choose the CRM is right for you?
·         What is a software client relationship management (CRM)?
·         Of what CRM professionals?
·         Features and benefits of a CRM
·         The functionality of a CRM
·         Benefits of CRM
·         Things to know before installing a CRM
·         CRM software: which to choose?
·         Office Software
·         CRM-mode external or internal?
·         CRM few generalists in external mode and / or internal
·         Benefits of SaaS CRM
·         The CRM thematic oriented SMEs

What is a software client relationship management (CRM)?

Solutions Customer relationship management is a major strategic asset for your business. They help you identify your best prospects, retain and keep track of your personal customers. The CRM solutions are especially suitable for sale on the internet or any other rapidly evolving business environment. 

Of what CRM professionals?

Software for customer relationship management adapt to several categories of professionals:
  • Finance
  • Technology Products
  • Pharmaceutical products and well-being
  • Distributors (wholesalers, retailers)
  • Customized products and crafts (in mail): customizable clothing, etc. gastonomiques products.
  • Professions / Independent

Features and benefits of a CRM

The functionality of a CRM

CRM software has a specific role in each step of the sales cycle (pre-sales, sales, after sales).
CRM software will allow you, among others:

Benefits of CRM

The advantages of a manager of customer relations are primarily economic. CRM allows to:
  • Increase company profits (margin on each client)
  • Increase the rate of customer loyalty (which costs 5 times less expensive than win new)
  • Save time by automating certain tasks (increase productivity)
  • Optimize collaboration between the various company departments (sales, marketing, customer service)
  • Improve responsiveness to a specific problem (eg declining sales figures)

Things to know before installing a CRM

A preliminary evaluation of your needs is essential before choosing the right software for customer relationship management. The installation of a CRM is a complex choice that changes in work organization and relations among company employees.

Choosing a CRM is not the same if you want to refine your communication strategy, or simply manage your contacts. An audit can be very useful to help you choose. 

CRM software: which to choose?

So it depends on your type of activity, and the look you wish to expand. There are simple solutions, and other more complex 

Office Software

A simple Excel spreadsheet or a database manager for relational data (such as Microsoft Access) may be sufficient to act as an accounting application / tracking orders or collect customer data.
Major drawback : the software has limited options (eg collaborative features, communication tools). 

CRM-mode external or internal?

You'll have to choose between outsourced CRM, that is to say, available via Internet on a remote server, and CRM internalized, that is to say installed on your corporate server:
  • Selection criteria
If your priority is cost control, flexibility of use (eg on the move) and if your customer service has many employees, you will opt instead for outsourced mode in "SaaS".
The internal mode is best suited to newly established SMEs. Anyway, you can always upgrade to the external mode.
  • CRM external mode (SaaS)
The external mode means that applications are available on a remote server, accessible via the Internet. Multiple users can view and edit data simultaneously. SaaS involves the payment of a subscription to the hosting services. 

Benefits of SaaS CRM

  • Choice of formulas : Sales Tracking Portal, customer relationship and made to measure (custom applications).
  • Best opportunities for collaboration and updates / upgrades instant data. use while mobile optimized.
  • Economic : no installation costs (purchase of license), or mobilization of resources of the company
  • Possibility of free trial.
Cons : Access to a remote server is the problem of data privacy, and that the dependence on external service.

Article Source: Kenny Blog